I hand-hew round trees into square beams and mantels using only an axe.
This mantel was sourced sustainably in December 2018 from a tree culled by a power company in North Yarmouth, Maine. It measures 7"x8"x60" and is finished with Boiled Linseed Oil. "Spalting" is a term used to describe any tree that has unique coloration due to pigmented fungi. It is prized by woodworkers because of the beautiful patterns it creates in otherwise plain wood. This white pine mantel has dark charcoal hues mixed with ambrosia. A gorgeous, one-of-a-kind piece.
While water-powered sawmills existed in New England as early as 1630 (in Berwick, Maine), hand-hewing large beams was a technique favored by many American craftsmen to frame out barns and buildings: structures that have stood the test of time and borne patiently the worst of summer's blistering heat and New England's unkind winters. Today, I use exactly the same tools and techniques as 17th- and 18th-century Maine craftsmen to create classic beams and mantels: timbers that will transform your family's favorite space into a showcase for generations to come.
While I don't provide hardware for mounting, here's a helpful link for how to hang a large mantel:
***Please note that shipping usually runs between $70-$90 for mantels, calculated at checkout. I can only ship beams and mantels to the continental U.S. If you need a beam or mantel shipped elsewhere, please email or call me so we can work out logistics.***